Il Campionato del Mondo ed Europeo 24 ore su strada della IAU, che si svolgerà a Torino il prossimo 11-12 aprile 2015, dopo il passaggio di mano da un LOC all'altro, si sta rimettendo in carreggiata, in una corsa contro il tempo.
E' stato pubblicato il nuovo GIS (General Information Sheet) con tutte le informazioni necessarie alle delegazioni nazionali (sistemazioni albergherie, indirizzi, programma dell'intera manifestazione).
Puoi scaricare il GIS di Torino qui. Di seguito il comunicato della IAU con la lettera ufficiale della FIDAL
IAU 24H World and European Championships, Turin, 11/12th April 2015. New GIS and message from FIDAL 4th April 2015
All the team managers will have received the following email from FIDAL yesterday evening about the latest arrangements and all teams have now been allocated their hotel in Turin.
“Dear Friends,
we are very pleased to send you attached the General Information Sheet for the IAU 24h World and European Championships to be held in Torino on 11 and 12 April.
As most of you know, two weeks ago ,due to unfortunate and unexpected circumstances, the former LOC of the Championships withdrew the organisation ,and the Italian Athletics Federations together with the club CUS Torino decided to take over as organisers of the event.
As you can imagine these last two weeks have been very busy for us, but we are doing our best in order to guarantee the best possible event .
In particular the Italian Club CUS Torino has taken charge of all organisational aspects and, despite the difficulties and thanks to its excellent skills in events management, has managed to guarantee the carrying out of the event.
We thank you so much for your patience and understanding and look forward to seeing you in Torino for a successful edition of the Championships!
Kind regards.
Roberta Russo
Segreteria Presidente FIDAL e Settore Internazionale
FIDAL President Secretariat and International Dept
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