In linea con le decisione assunta dalla IAAF (International Athletics Associations Federation), la IAU (International Association of Ultrarunner) conferma l'esclusione degli atleti russi da ogni tipo di competizione di ultramaratona targata IAU.
Di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale.
Provisional Suspension of the Russian Federation
The International Association of Ultrarnners (IAU) confirms that it will abide by and enforce the decision of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) to provisionally suspend the All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF).
The effect of this is that no Russian athletes will be invited to participate in any official IAU competition.
The IAU further expects that IAU-labelled races will not permit Russian athletes to participate in their events. The performances of Russian athletes will be removed from results of these events and will not be included in international ranking lists.
This will remain the position for as long as the suspension of ARAF by the IAAF remains in place.
We realize that all this very sad for the Russian athletes and we can only hope that their Federation will soon take the necesary measres to reinstate the intrenational confidence in their anti-doping policy.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Nadeem Khan
Director of Communications
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