La 38^ edizione della rinomata Cambist KFC Washie 100 miler ha avuto luogo l'11 luglio 2014 in SudAfrica: organizzata dai uffalo Road Runners è la più antica tra le 100 miler sudafricane.
Si tratta di una gara di 160 miglia rinomata per tre motivi: innanzitutto, è una gara in linea da Port Alfred ad East London con tutte le difficoltà organizzative che si possono immaginare nel gestire, su di un percorso così lungo, un numero che è sempre relativamente sparuto di runner; in secondo luogo tutti i finisher vengono premiati con uno stesso identico trofeo dall'ultimo classificato sino al primo arrivato; in terzo luogo, ciò che la rende appetibile e "sfidante" è il fatto che il tempo massimo regolamentare a disposizione degli atleti per la conclusione della loro prova sia limitato a 24 ore (ed è per questo motivo riconosciuta dall'International Centurion Club, per essere membro del quale occorre aver concluso una 100 miglia in 24 ore - o meno).
Ciò nonostante, è una gara rinomatissima e tutti fanno ressa per potere aggiudicarsi un pettorale in tempoutile: vi è sempre la corsa alle iscrizioni, insomma.
The 38th KFC Washie 100 miler will take place on the Friday 11th of July 2014.
The Washie 100 miler (Buffalo Road Runners) is the oldest "100 Mile Race" in South Africa.
The Washie 100 miler is the ultimate 100 mile Race in South Africa and is recognised by the International Centurion Club. (Where a runner must complete 100 miles in under 24 hours).
The race takes place on the first full moon in July every year.
Start. The Start is at the Halyards Hotel in Port Alfred. The first 15 km is run as a loop on the beach front. There will be more than sufficient refreshment tables provided.
No personal seconds are allowed on this part of the course. Your seconding team needs to wait for you on the East London side of the main arch bridge at the Marina. It is strongly advised to start the run with a headlamp/flashlight and reflective gear as it gets dark before you meet your seconding team.
Any runner being seconded along this section will be disqualified. Thereafter, we recommend that your seconding team should stay with their runner by seconding runners and a seconding vehicle not being too far away from you for the rest of the race. Seconding vehicles (and all runners and seconding runners) please be aware of the fact that this is a very busy road and the greatest part of the first half of the race, is run on a road that has no shoulder to run on, and runners basically spend the entire first half off the road, on the grass and gravel when oncoming traffic takes preference. We therefore also apeal to the drivers of seconding vehicles to follow their runners as much OFF THE ROAD in order to obstruct traffic at the very least and to also keep road safety in mind at all times for your own vehicle, other vehicles and especially the safety of all runners.
Split Times will be given at 25 miles (40 km), 50 miles (80 km), 75 miles (120 km) and at the finish.
Spot Checks will be set at various points during the race at the discretion of the committee and the race referee.
Finish. It is the responsibility of each runner to make sure about the route before each race,especially the last 2 kms before the finish at the Buff's Club in East London.
When you reach the Moore Street intersection, runners and their seconds continue straight ahead along the one way road (Esplanade Street) that pass the Sugar shack Back Packers and Buccaneers. (Seconding vehicles may not follow their runners from here, as Esplanade street is a one way from here onwards, and vehicles may only turn left up Moore street to turn right into John Baily.)
When you (the runner and seconds) reach the John Baily Road Intersection, turn left, towards the Buffs Club.
While progressing along John Baily Road, turn right at the traffic circle, below the cricket stadium, into Buffalo Park Drive, towards the Buffs Club.