In Dawn to Dusk Ultra che si corre nel giorno più corto dell'anno si correrà dal primo sorgere del sole (la partenza verrà data, quindi, esattamente alle 8.04) sino al tramonto, alle 15,53'44.
La gara si disputerà su di un circuito di di 2014 metri (con leggere ondulazioni) che è quello ufficialmente misurato e registrato come il Circuito di allenamnto di Fauja Singh, il podista ultracentenario e dentore di alcuni record di categoria in maratona.
Sarà di sponibile una stazione di rifonimento al punto di inizio del giro.
E' prevista anche una gara sulla distanza di 10 km, con partenza alle 10.00.
The event comprises multiple laps of a 2.014 km course which is officially measured and registered as the Fauja Singh Training Course. There is a feeding station at the start/finish of each lap. Water and other refreshments will be provided.
Race starts at 8:04 am (sunrise) and finishes at 15:53:44 (sunset) - participants will be allowed to finish the lap they started if they pass the lap marker prior to 15:53:44 (7 hours 49 minutes and 44 seconds clock time)
Participants are permitted to stop and start again as often as they wish between the start and finish times so long as they inform the lap counter volunteers. The final placings will be based on the total distance covered on foot/wheelchair between start and finish times. The course is on the road (footpath) and it is undulating.
To receive the Half marathon plus (22km) medal participants will have to complete 11 laps, for Full marathon medal 21 laps need to be completed and the Ultra medals are for those who complete 25 laps or more.
The 10 km (5 lap) race will start at 10:00am.
There are two marshalled road crossings with Paramedic cover on site during the race time.
History of Sikhs In The City. Sikhs In The City (SITC) is the successor name of the North East London road running club with an international reach. SITC was formerly known as ‘Team Fauja’. It is organised and led by a group of enthusiasts who meet early (before 7:00am) every Sunday morning whatever the weather.
The SITC name was adapted and adopted (with permission) from the 2004 BBC programme narrated by Goodness Gracious Me star Kulvinder Ghir, Sikhs and the City provided a rare and entertaining day-in-the-life snapshot several members of one of Britain's biggest, but least understood, faith communities. Among the people featured in the programme was the then 93-year-old marathon runner, Fauja Singh who is a traditional Sikh and at the time, also a 'poster boy' for the latest Adidas campaign. Fauja Singh is a founder and Honorary member of SITC
SITC is part of the Sikh Sports Association (SSA) that encompasses all Olympic sports. SSA in turn is one part of the Internet based social policy think-tank - Sikhs In England (SIE) who are also the account holders.
SITC is governed by the SSA Constitution (see relevant tab) with membership open to Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike.