A Yi Lan (Taiwan) si è svolto il 13 dicembre 2014, nel contesto dell'annuale Yilan Festival Marathon, il Campionato asiatico IAU 100 km. Vi hanno partecipato atleti provenienti dalla Corea del Sud (10 atleti), da Taipe 17 atleti)i, dalla Mongolia (3 atlete) e dallo Sri Lanka (un atleta), nel contesto della open race che ha visto un totale di 456 partecipanti.
Condizioni climatiche ottimali. Temperatura mite, non troppa umidità.
La gara si è svolta lungo entrambe le rive del Dongshan River, su piste cilabili.
Campioni individuali si sono laureati Yen-Lung Yu (1° uomo) e Ming-Chu Lu (1^ donna), entrambi provenienti da Taipei in rappresentanza della compagine nazionale più numerosa
Quello che segue è il report scritto e trasmesso alla IAU dal Direttore di gara, Mr Frank Kuo.
(Dal sito web della IAU. Yen-Lung Yu & Ming-Chu Lu Win the iau 100km Asian Championships 2014)
The IAU 100 km Asian Championships took place on December 13 in Yi Lan, Taiwan.
Please read the underlying report by the Race Director, Frank Kuo.
This event was organized by the Yilan county government and Chinese Taipei Association of Ultrarunners on December 13th of this year as a part of the yearly Yilan Marathon Festival. This Festival usually consists of a 100 km public race and a 50 km open race.
Athletes from South Korea (7 male, 3 female) , Taipei (9 male, 8 female ) Mongolia (3 female ), and Sri Lanka (1 male) have entered the international 100 km race. A total of 456 runners participated in the 100 km open race and 520 runners participated in the 50 km race.
The race course was held on both coasts of Dongshan River on bicycle paths. All 100 km runners ran to the 10 km turning point and back five times. The weather was fairly refreshing at 12 degrees Celsius during the start of the race and gradually dropped during the race.
As for the results of the 100 km Asian Championships, the top male teams were Chinese Taipei and Korea, consecutively, and the top female teams were Taipei and Mongolia, consecutively.
Regarding the individual results, Yen-Lung Yu from Chinese Taipei came in first, his time is 8:10:48, Sungkyun Kim from South Korea second, and Jonguen Kim from South Korea third for the male category.
For the female category, Ming-chu Lu from Chinese Taipei came in first at 8:55:23, BadamkhatanDovdon from Mongolia came in second, and Wei-chen Lee from Chinese Taipei came in third.
Both male and female Taiwan national records have been broken by runners from the open race.
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