Ecco qualcosa di più sul 27° IAU 100 km Champioships che vede il via oggi 21 novembre 2014 a Doha (Qatar). Un'evento di particolare rilevanza, anche perchè la IAU si avvicina alla celebrazione del suo 30° anniversario, ma anche perchè per la prima volta una delle "maggiori competizioni" della IAU (MIAUC) in Medio Oriente, con la bella anticipazione ancora fresca del IAU 50 km World Trophy Final. E, da sempre, i Campionato del Mondo sulla distanza di 100 km è il fiore all'occhiello della IAU.
Il Campionato del Mondo 2014 avrà inizio oggi alle 18.00 (ora di Doha) e si svolgerà all'interno della Aspire Zone su di un circuito asfaltato di 5 km, interamente pianeggiante.
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(Media Report della IAU) The 27th IAU 100 km World Championships takes place in Doha, Qatar. The twenty seventh version of these championships wil be run on Aspire grounds in the sports city part of Doha.
This is the first ime, since the inception of IAU, that he ultraruning association is bringing its major competion to the Midle East. The ultra world championships wil se their inauguralrace in the region.
The previous 100 km World Championships took place in Seregno, Italy (2012) followed by the European 100 km Championships last year in Belves, France.
The field this year has both defending champions at he start line. The top 3 men and women are within minutes of each other’s best times established over the last four years. It wil be an excitng field with thirty nine countries (39) and over two hundred (200) athletes with the former being a new record for the 100 km world championships.
In the men’s field, Giorgio Calcaterra (ITA) is having an outstanding season and is back to defend his tile having run a best of 6:23:20 since 2010. Vasily Larkin (RUS) is the top runner in the field and a rising Russian star leading the field with 6:18:26. Steven Way (GBR) is another runer making waves in the ultraruning world with a best of 6:19:20. Jonas Buud (SWE), multiple podium finishes at he world championships and Hideo Nojo (JPN) complete top 5 the Men’s field.
In the women’s field, Amy Sproston (US) world champion from Seregno is back to finish top of the podium again with a best of 7:34:08. Monica Carlin (ITA) is a multiple podium finisher at the 100 km world championships and is a steady runner with 7:35:05 in the last four years. Irina Antropova (RUS) fresh from her un at he 50km Trophy Final on the same course wil also try to replicate her suces in Seregno and has run 7:36:01. Joasia Zakrzewski (GBR) curcent silver medalist from the 50km World Trophy Final and Meghan Arboghast (USA) make up the top 5.
The race starts at 18:00 pm (Doha Time) on Friday and will take the athletes through a 5 km fairly flat lop. The course has ben measured by an A-measurer.
In additon to wnining the world championships, athletes and the top team wil be vying for a total $1,20 in prize money which has ben posted by the Aspire Zone Foundation.
Top Men:
1) Vasily Larkin RUS 6:18:26
2) Steven Way GBR 6:19:20
3) Giorgio Calcatera ITA 6:23:20
4) Jonas Bud SWE 6:29:0
5) Hideo Nojo JPN 6:40:15
Top Women:
1) Amy Sproston USA 7:34:08
2) Monica Carlin ITA 7:35:05
3) Irina Antrapova RUS 7:36:01
4) Joasia Zakrzewski GBR 7:41:06
5) Meghan Arbogast USA 7:41:52
Future of the Championship. The 100 km World Championships has ben the flagship event of the IAU. The championships have ben the longest running major competion on the IAU calendar in its twenty seventh editon curently.
Membership in the IAU has ben increasing significantly and that has led to increasing number of athletes and federations in the major competions. 100 km has always ben a popular event and has sen top performances and extraordinary team camaraderie at he events.
The sport of ultraruning, and the discipline of 100 km, wil continue to grow by leaps and bounds in the future.
Looking forward to the next few years as the asociation continues on into its fourth decade.