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23 gennaio 2013 3 23 /01 /gennaio /2013 08:54

Malta-marathon-02.jpgL'edizione 2013 della Malhta Marathon (cui saranno abbinati anche quest'anno una Mezza e un Walkathon), si svolgerà il 24 febbraio prossimo con la denominazione di  2013 Land Rover Malta Marathon, Half Marathon & Walkathon. Si attende un grande successo di partecipanti dopo i 366 maratoneti e i 1862 mezzo-maratoneti partecipanti nell'edizione 2012.

The 2012 Land Rover Malta Marathon once again saw a record number of participants in both the Marathon and the Half Marathon, 366 for the Full and 1,862 for the Half. We can already forecast another record number of participants for the 2013 Land Rover Malta Marathon.

Inspire -The Foundation for Inclusion, which works towards equal opportunities and inclusion in society for persons with a disability will once again be the Official Charity for the 2013 Land Rover Malta Marathon.

Organiser. Malta Marathon Organising Committee (PO Box 1, Zebbug, ZBG1000, Malta).

Malta marathon 01Official closing date: 15th January 2013 including the receipt of the appication fee or earlier if no more applications can be accepted. Applications are only guaranteed and confirmed upon receipt of the application fee and will be on a first come first served basis. Organisers reserve the right to change the Official closing date at any time and without prior notice. To Apply, go to the Application Forms page, late applications may not be accepted.

Registration. Please see details of registration from the Malta Marathon website under Race Info> Registration.


Eligibility. The Marathon (42.195km) - Any male or female who is at least 18 years old on the day of the race is eligible to participate. The Half-Marathon and ‘Endo’ Walkathon (21.097km) - Any male or female who is at least 17 years old on the day of the race is eligible to participate.


Application Fees: Marathon, Half Marathon and 'Endo' Walkathon

  • Malta Residents : €25.00 for applications & fees received before the 1st of January. United Kingdom: £30.00
  • All others including Malta Resident applications & fees received after the 31st December: €35.00

Application fees for participants registering on-line may be paid either by credit card, by bank transfer or by sending a personal cheque by post. To qualify for the reduced Malta resident application fee, the payment is to be received before the 1st of January. Cheques must accompany a printout of the filled in application form or a printout of the email received acknowledging that the application form has been processed otherwise the cheque could be sent unaccompanied as long as the Application Code received by email is written on the back of the cheque.

When paying the application fee by bank transfer, the Application Code must be included in the transaction details of the bank transfer.

Application fees for participants not registering on-line must be paid by cheque and posted together with a clearly filled in application form.


Personal cheques are to be made payable to the ‘Malta Marathon’ and are to be sent to the ‘Malta Marathon’, PO Box 1, Zebbug, ZBG1000, Malta. Personal cheques may be written out for more than one application and can include the transport fee. Fees are non-refundable even inthe event of the event being cancelled for whatever reason.

The application fee includes a Land Rover Malta Marathon T-Shirt and an official race magazine which will be given out at registration as well as a commemorative medal that will be given to all finishers as they cross the finish line.


Application status. Applicants applying on-line who will pay the application fee by cheque or bank transfer will automatically receive an email acknowledging that their application has been processed. On receipt of the application fee, another email will be received confirming the application as long as these are received before your race type is full and the applications are closed.

Applicants applying on-line who pay the application fee by credit card will automatically receive an email acknowledging that their application has been confirmed.

Applicants applying and paying the application fee by post will receive an email acknowledging that their application has been confirmed as soon as these have been received, as long as these are received before your race type is full and the applications are closed.

Participants applying by post must provide a valid and clear email address for them to receive their confirmation.


Transport to the start:

  • €5.00 or £4.00, transport can be booked on-line or from race registration, tickets will be given out at registration. Transport to the start leaves the finish in Sliema at:
  • 0630 for the Full Marathon which starts at 0800.
  • 0745 for the Half Marathon and for the ‘Endo’ Walkathon which both start at 0920.

Application and Transport fees. Application and Transport fees are non refundable, even if in the unlikely event that the event is not held for whatever reason.


Baggage transport. Baggage transport from the start to the finish shall be provided, ensure that you place your bag in the van assigned to your race, Marathon, Half Marathon or Walkathon. The Marathon and Half Marathon baggage will be found in the 'Deporres' hall, whilst the Walkathon baggage will be found in the Urban Sport outlet both found across the road from the finish area. Large plastic bags with race numbers for identification purposes will be given at race registration. The organisers are not responsible for any lost baggage or contents.


Race numbers, pins and timing chips. Race numbers, pins and timings chips will be given out at registration. Do not remove your timing chip from your number.

There will be marshals who will be after the finish line to take your timing chip off you. If for any reason, you do not start or even finish your race, ensure that you hand in your chip to an official at the finish line on race day or leave it at the Urban Sports outlet from where it was collected. You may also post it to Malta Marathon, PO Box 1, Zebbug, ZBG1000, Malta. These are the property of the Malta Marathon Organising Committee, there is a €18 charge for unreturned chips. Under no circumstance should you ever cross the start and finish lines with somebody else’s timing chip on you.


Route. The route for both the 2013 Land Rover Malta Marathon and Half Marathon will be same as for 2012.

Both the marathon and the half-marathon pass through countryside and built up areas and finish in Sliema, a popular town promenade.  Both routes include a drop of 200 meters from start to finish.

A map of both routes is displayed on the Route Info page of this website. The map will show details of all feeding stations along the routes, the same map shall be found in the Official Race Magazine that you will receive at race registration.


Start times:

  • Land Rover Malta Marathon – Mdina at 8.00am
  • Land Rover Malta Half Marathon – Mdina at 9.20am.
  • Land Rover Malta ‘Endo’ Walkathon which is also part of the Half Marathon – Mdina at 9.20am (Walkathon participants must all be behind the Half Marathon participants at the start or they could be disqualified).



Finish line: The Ferries, Sliema, the finish line for both the Marathon and Half Marathon will close at 1.00pm. Marshals at the finish will direct you to finish under the clock of your race, this is most important for the finish photo, in order for you to have the correct finishing time taken. There will be marshals after the finish line giving out San Michel water, Powerade and Bananas.


Commemorative medal. A commemorative Land Rover Malta Marathon medal will be presented at the finish to all participants who finish the full marathon or the half marathon events within the stipulated times.



Land Rover Malta Marathon

1st 3 Men, 1st 3 Ladies, 1st 3 Male Teams, 1st 3 Female Teams, 1st 3 Maltese Men 1st 3 Maltese Ladies

1st and 2nd M/W over 40,       1st and 2nd M/W over 45,       1st and 2nd M/W over 50,       1st and 2nd M/W over 55

1st and 2nd M/W over 60,       1st and 2nd M/W over 65,       1st and 2nd M/W over 70,       1st and 2nd M/W over 75


Land Rover Malta Half Marathon

1st 3 Men,  1st 3 Ladies,  1st 3 Male Teams, 1st 3 Female Teams, 1st 3 Maltese Men, 1st 3 Maltese Ladies, 1st 3 Men U23, 1st 3 Ladies U23

1st and 2nd M/W over 40,       1st and 2nd M/W over 45,       1st and 2nd M/W over 50,       1st and 2nd M/W over 55

1st and 2nd M/W over 60,       1st and 2nd M/W over 65,       1st and 2nd M/W over 70,       1st and 2nd M/W over 75 


Team competition. A team may represent any club or group, a team will consist of 3 runners.  Every 3 same sex, members of a club or group, who finish the event will be classified as having participated in the team competition.  Runners who do not name their team on their application form will NOT be classified as having participated in the team competition. Requests for team changes after an application form has been sent in, may only be made by the participant himself or herself. Team names deemed offensive or otherwise may not be accepted by the organisers.


Results. Results will be available from the Malta Marathon website once they have been made official, participants who have given a valid and clear email address will be advised by email when the results will be available.


Certificates. After the results are made official, participants having given their email address will be advised by email from where certificates may be viewed and printed.


Official charity. The Official charity for the 2013 Land Rover Malta Marathon is Inspire, the Foundation for the inclusion of disabled people. For information about Inspire visit http://www.inspire.org.mt.


Finish and route photos. These may be available from Photocity, South Street, Valletta – info@photocitymalta.com or go to www.photocitymalta.com 


Other important race information. Participants of the Land Rover Malta ‘Endo’ Walkathon may walk, jog or run at any time. For all intents and purposes, the Walkathon is part of the Half Marathon, it is a means to allow particpants to participate in a less competetive envoironment and are obliged to stand behind the Half Marathon participants at the start.

Changing and toilet facilities shall be provided close to the start and finish.

Athletes who in any way deface or fold their race number are liable to disqualification; numbers are to be worn on the front and are to be clearly visible.

Athletes who are not clearly behind the start line at the start of their race are also liable to disqualification.

Faster athletes should be given preference to stay at the front of the starting line, please do not hinder faster runners.

Bicycles are not allowed to accompany athletes along the route, they could be cause for the disqualification of a participant besides endangering participants and causing traffic congestion.

Participants are also not allowed to be accompanied by animals or prams nor are they allowed to carry infants, these could also endanger other participants or make them feel unsafe.

The full marathon will have 8 water stations, 5 sponge stations, 3 Powerade stations and one fruit station.

The half marathon will have 4 water stations, 3 sponge stations, 2 Powerade stations and one fruit station. Do not throw used bottles or sponges over boundary walls and into fields, throw them at the side of the road so they can be picked up after the race and disposed of appropriately.

Kilometers shall be marked along the courses of both the Full Marathon and Half Marathon.

There will be checkpoints along the route manned by Race Officials.

A thin yellow line shall mark junctions along the routes, always follow this line. Only take a turn to follow the line.

Where appropriate Race Marshals shall aid in directing you.

Although numerous traffic police, district police and wardens shall be present to control the traffic, remember that the route is not traffic free, so we urge you to be cautious.


Malta Marathon Organising Committee

Per ulteriori informazioni: 


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  • : Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • : Una pagina web per parlare di podismo agonistico - di lunga durata e non - ma anche di pratica dello sport sostenibile e non competitivo
  • Contatti


  • Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.

Etnatrail 2013 - si svolgerà il 4 agosto 2013


Il perchè di questo titolo

DSC04695.jpegPerchè ho dato alla mia pagina questo titolo?

Volevo mettere assieme deio temi diversi eppure affini: prioritariamente le ultramaratone (l'interesse per le quali porta con sè ad un interesse altrettanto grande per imprese di endurance di altro tipo, riguardanti per esempio il nuoto o le camminate prolungate), in secondo luogo le maratone.

Ma poi ho pensato che non si poteva prescindere dal dare altri riferimenti come il podismo su altre distanze, il trail e l'ultratrail, ma anche a tutto ciò che fa da "alone" allo sport agonistico e che lo sostanzia: cioè, ho sentito l'esigenza di dare spazio a tutto ciò che fa parte di un approccio soft alle pratiche sportive di lunga durata, facendoci rientrare anche il camminare lento e la pratica della bici sostenibile. Secondo me, non c'è possibilità di uno sport agonistico che esprima grandi campioni, se non c'è a fare da contorno una pratica delle sue diverse forme diffusa e sostenibile. 

Nei "dintorni" della mia testata c'è dunque un po' di tutto questo: insomma, tutto il resto.


Come nasce questa pagina?

DSC04709.jpeg_R.jpegL'idea motrice di questo nuovo web site è scaturita da una pagina Facebook che ho creato, con titolo simile ("Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni"), avviata dall'ottobre 2010, con il proposito di dare spazio e visibilità  ad una serie di materiali sul podismo agonistico e non, ma anche su altri sport, che mi pervenivano dalle fonti più disparate e nello stesso tempo per avere un "contenitore" per i numerosi servizi fotografici che mi capitava di realizzare.

La pagina ha avuto un notevole successo, essendo di accesso libero per tutti: dalla data di creazione ad oggi, sono stati più di 64.000 i contatti e le visite.

L'unico limite di quella pagina era nel fatto che i suoi contenuti non vengono indicizzati su Google e in altri motori di ricerca e che, di conseguenza, non risultava agevole la ricerca degli articoli sinora pubblicati (circa 340 alla data - metà aprile 2011 circa - in cui ho dato vita a Ultrasport Maratone e dintorni).

Ho tuttavia lasciato attiva la pagina FB come contenitore dei link degli articoli pubblicati su questa pagina web e come luogo in cui continuerò ad aprire le gallerie fotografiche relative agli eventi sportivi - non solo podistici - che mi trovo a seguire.

L'idea, in ogni caso, è quella di dare massimo spazio e visibilità non solo ad eventi di sport agonistico ma anche a quelli di sport "sostenibile" e non competitivo...

Il mio curriculum: sport e non solo


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Statistiche generali del magazine dalla sua creazione, aggiornate al 14.04.2014

Data di creazione 12/04/2011
Pagine viste : 607 982 (totale)
Visitatori unici 380 449
Giornata record 14/04/2014 (3 098 Pagine viste)
Mese record 09/2011 (32 745 Pagine viste)
Precedente giornata record 22/04/2012 con 2847 pagine viste
Record visitatori unici in un giorno 14/04/2014 (2695 vis. unici)
Iscritti alla Newsletter 148
Articoli pubblicati 4259


I collaboratori

Lara arrivo pisa marathon 2012  arrivo attilio siracusa 2012
            Lara La Pera    Attilio Licciardi
 Elena Cifali all'arrivo della Maratona di Ragusa 2013  Eleonora Suizzo alla Supermaratona dell'Etna 2013 (Foto di Maurizio Crispi)
            Elena Cifali   Eleonora Suizzo

