Gli organizzatori della Virgin Money London Marathon hanno preso nota, con disappunto, del bando di due anni con cui l'atleta russa Liliya Shobukhova era stata penalizzata per doping e ricadente, con decorrenza dal 9 ottobre 2009, negli anni 2010 e 2011, in cui la stessa atleta fece registrare proprio alla Maratona di Londra un primo posto (2010) e un secondo posto (2011).
In conseguenza i suoi piazzamenti in quelle due maratone di Londra sono stati annullati, per effetto del bando cui l'atleta era soggetta esattamente in quel periodo di tempo.
Gli organizzatori della Maratona di Londra hanno introdotto da tempo (dal 2002) i test ematici anti-doping a cui tutti gli atleti Elite vengono sottoposti, contribuendo ativamente con le attività delldell'Agenzia britannica anti-doping, con le direttive IAAF e WADA.
Come partre del contratto che viene stipulato con gli atleti élite, in caso di doping accertato o per gli effetti delbando per doping dai campi di gaa, l'atleta è tenuto a rifondere i premi in denaro ricevuti e a restiituire ogni altro premio.
Del tuto in linea la posizzione assunta dal WMM (World Marathon Majors, l'organizzazione che include le 6 maggiori maratone del mondo che sono quelle di Boston, Chicago, New York, Londra, Berlino e Tokyo) e che, in conseguenza, applicando il suo regolamento, non inviterà ulteriormente l'atleta russa alle altre "Major".
In questa circostanza, all'atleta russa è stato contestato non tanto il fatto di essersi resa colpevole di doping in occasione delle due maratone londinesi cui lei ha partecipato nel 20100 e nel 20111, ma piuttosto il fatto di avervi partecipato malgrado la squalifica e, in qualche modo, frodando gli organizzatori.
Di seguito i due comunicati stampa, rispettivamente della Virgin Money London Marathon e dell'organizzazione WMM.
Virgin Money London Marathon was disappointed to hear the news that Liliya Shobukhova has been handed a two year doping ban by the Russian Athletics Federation (VFLA).
It notes that the VFLA has annulled Shobukhova‘s results from 9th October 2009, which includes her results in the London Marathons 2010 – 2011. If this decision is confirmed after any appeal, then it would mean that results from the years she ran in the London Marathon 2010 (1st) and 2011 (2nd) would be annulled.
Hugh Brasher, Race Director of the Virgin Money London Marathon said, “London Marathon is at the forefront of the fight against doping in our sport, and we are very proud to have been the first major marathon to introduce blood testing for all of our elite competitors, prior to each event. This mandatory blood testing commenced at the London Marathon in 2002, and has continued with all our elite competitors throughout. As one of the world’s leading marathons, we continue to work very closely with UK Anti-Doping, the IAAF and WADA with the aim of eradicating drug taking in our sport.”
As part of London Marathon elite athlete contracts, any athlete found guilty of a doping offence will be required to repay any prize or appearance money.
The athlete has a right to appeal the Federation decision. London Marathon is unable to comment further until that has either expired, or any appeal has been determined.
About The London Marathon. The London Marathon was first run in 1981, co-founded by the late Chris Brasher, and current London Marathon Director John Disley, establishing charitable status and with six aims;
- To improve the overall standard and status of British marathon running by providing a fast course and strong international competition.
- To show mankind that, on occasions, the Family of Man can be united.
- To raise money for the provision of recreational facilities in London*.
- To help London tourism.
- To prove that when it comes to organising major events, "Britain is best".
- To have fun and provide happiness and sense of achievement in a troubled world.
*The London Marathon Charitable Trust - Over £50 million has now been awarded in grants to recreational and leisure causes, with more than 1,000 projects awarded grants. Amount allocated in 2013 – more than £3.6 million. Seven playing fields have been saved by The London Marathon Charitable Trust.
Over 924,650 finishers have raised, it is estimated, more than £663 million in sponsorship for numerous charities over the years. A record breaking £46.5 million was raised for good causes in the 2007 event, making the London Marathon a Guinness world record holder as the largest single annual fund raising event in the world. Amount raised for charities in 2012, £52.8 million and in 2013, £53 million. 2014 fundraising figures will be available September 2014. 35,873 (subject to ratification) runners finished the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 13th April 2014.
The 2015 Virgin Money London Marathon will take place on Sunday 26th April 2015, for more information please visit
World Marathon Majors was disappointed to hear the news that Liliya Shobukhova has been handed a two year doping ban by the Russian Athletics Federation (VFLA).
It notes that the VFLA has annulled Shobukhova‘s results from 9TH October 2009, which includes her results in the London Marathon 2010 and 2011 and Chicago Marathons 2009-2012. If this decision is confirmed after any appeal then it would mean that her wins of the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 World Marathon Major series would also be annulled.
From its inception in 2006, World Marathon Majors has been at the forefront of the fight against doping in athletics. As a part of this, WMM has provided financial support to the International Association of Athletics Federation, to help it ensure Biological Passport testing of all elite competitors. Additionally, WMM has previously agreed that any athlete found guilty of a doping offence will not be invited back to its races.
WMM events were the first major events to confirm that all elite athletes taking part in their events would be blood tested and have consistently called for wider testing by others.
As previously announced, any athlete found guilty of a doping offence will be required to repay any prize or appearance money earned at WMM events including WMM series prize money.
Nick Bitel, General Counsel of WMM said, “WMM will continue to hold a stern line and supports all measures to ensure the integrity of the athletes competing in their races. Cheats need to understand that they are not welcome in our sport and that they will be caught.”
The athlete has a right to appeal the Federation decision. WMM is unable to comment further until that has either expired, or any appeal has been determined.
For any further comments please contact:
WMM General Counsel, Nick Bitel via Penny Dain +44 7799 170433;
About World Marathon Majors. Established in 2006, World Marathon Majors (WMM) is a race series comprised of the Tokyo, Boston, Virgin Money London, BMW Berlin, Bank of America Chicago, and TCS New York City Marathons. In the years in which they are run, WMM also includes the IAAF World Championships and Olympic Marathons. At the conclusion of a two-year cycle, WMM offers a $1 million prize purse to be split equally between the top male and female marathoners in the world. The inaugural 2006-2007 series launched at the 110th Boston Marathon on April 17, 2006 and concluded at the New York City Marathon on November 4, 2007. The 2013-2014 series began with the Tokyo Marathon on February 24, 2013 and will conclude at the TCS New York City Marathon on November 2, 2014.