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20 ottobre 2013 7 20 /10 /ottobre /2013 22:24

202 Primitive Run 2014. 50 km al giorno per quattro giorni nel Sahara tunisinoLa 202 Primitive Run è una gara a tappe che si sviluppa in quattro giorni per i cultori delle ultradistanze (50 km al giorno per 4) oppure per i praticanti del Nordic/Fit-walking (25 km per 4), con un pizzico di orienteering, incontri etnici, vita all'aperto.
La gara podistica a tappe consente di capitalizzare due punti validi per la selezione alla partecipazione dell'UTMB (e ciò a partire dal 2012).
L'edizione 2014 si svolgerà dal 29 febbraio al 5 marzo.

Presentazione. The 202 km "primitive run"
 is a non competitive run (50km/day * 4 days, or nordic walking 25 km/ day * 4 days), with a taste of orienteering, ethnic meetings, outdoor living and adventure without anything that is not strictly necessary to survive in sefary.
I do not think you will find this mix in any other ultra trail in the desert. One of the reasons consists in the fact that this event is reserved for a very little number of athletes (max 8), so that after the first day, you will already know each other by name, eat at the same table.

The support and the logistic will be very small, simple and effective. From our point of view, to make a run of hundreds of athletes in the desert, with trucks, helicopter, electric generators is like to enter in a glasses’ shop with a drove of elephants… this is far away from our philosophy. We want that You can run and sleep in the silence, feeling the magnitude of the desert, away from business/commercial and touristic stuff, and feeling how is to run lonely in the great spaces. With the 202km, this dream will become real.

The event. The 202 km takes place in the Tunisian Sahara. It is approved (for the trail runners) since 2012 to get 2 points for the MontBlanc Ultra trail. The 4 laps of 50km each (25km x 4 for Nordic walkers) will allow you to discover, in a safe way, the most beautiful spots of tunisian sahara: the mountais of the central tunisia, the salt lake and its wonderful big white dunes, and the “classic” golden dunes of the desert.

The Organization. Tunisialternativa is a small but active tour operator (License for organizing events/tours: HR-AB-52-130041700) specialized in the tunisian sahara since 2003.
The program.
27.10.2013. Meeting at the Tunis international airport. Transfer to Gafsa with the vehicles of the Organization. Timetable from Tunisi: depending from the flight(s) arrival time. Dinner and  overnight stay at the 3*** Hotel.
28.10: ± 60,5 km (± @ 38thkm: refreshment). Breakfast at the Hotel. At 8 a.m. starting of the first lap from the Hotel. Running thru the suburbs of this little city, soon you get to the desert environment. Going south, the streets become unpaved, the houses become less and less, and soon you are alone in the desert. You will run among Mdilla mountain, Shib Mountain (558m) and Al’Atra Mountain (454m). Then you get to the Askar Moutain, a chain with east-west direction, that you can cross only in one point. Once you get to the valley (south), you are to the end of the first lap! NORDIC WALKING LAP STARTS AS THE REFRESHMENT POINT
29.10: ± 46,4 km (± @21,5th km: refreshment). Brekafast at the camp. H. 07.30 departure of the second lap. Today you will go east, in one corridor that on your left (north) has the mountains and on your right (south) the banks of the big salt lake named Chott el Fejij. In the afternoon, after having passed some hills, before entering the (dry) lake, there is the camp.
30.10: ± 61,5 km (± at 34th km: refreshment). Breakfast. H. 07.30 departure of the second lap.The lap starts with the spectacular crossing of the salt lake Chott el Fejij, that on its south banks has the wonderful big white sand dunes, and the strange hard-sand sculptures, modeled by the wind in hundreds years. Once crossed the salt lake, You will come up against an asphalt road (east-west), but will continue heading south to the hard Jebel Tebaga.
Once you crossed the Jebel (not so easy but with wonderful panorama to the desert) you have to reach bir Agareb (the scorpions’ well) where is the camp for the overnight stay.
31.10: ± 42,5 km (± @ 19th km: refreshment). Breakfast. H. 07.30 departure of the second lap. The last lap of the 202km will bring you to the sand dunes of the Grand Erg of Tunisia. The lap is run without a track to be followed, so will be pure orienteering, running along the ideal straight line that joins the two wells, bir Agared and bir Mabrouka. Before Bir Mabrouka, following the gps track, the runner reach “the door of the Desert” and enter the small town of Douz, finish of the run. Dinner and overnight stay at the 4**** Hotel. NORDIC WALKING LAP STARTS AS THE REFRESHMENT POINT

01.11 Breakfast. Transfer to Monastir/Sousse. Dinner and overnight stay in 3*** Hotel with swimming pool.

02.11 Breakfast. Transfer to Tunis international airport. 

a) The 202km is a not-competitive, without balises, orienteering (gsp) run, open to all athletes over 18 years old. The run is composed by 4 laps of, more or less, 50 km each, in a desertic or pre-desertic environment. FOR THE NORDIC WALKERS, THE LAPS ARE 50% (25 km each lap).

b) Every athlete runs under his own responsibility about his own health and capability to make this trai, about orienteering, about reaching the refreshment point and the camp at the end of the lap.

c) At the end of every lap there is a “camp” (tents) and a simple but good catering service, one tent to change cloche, personal tents to rest and sleep (1 every 2 persons), chairs, tables, water and food.

d) The athletes brings his own sleeping bag and pillow, and the personal stuff (clothes, special foods or beverages and so on). All the other equipments (tent, food, water and logistic/s) are provided

e) The run is made in semi-independence. In every lap (more or less at the 25th km) there is refreshment point where the athlete can find food and water.

f) The runners must follow the Gps tracks.

g) Every runner must provide for his own safety kit.

h) The Organization will provide 0,5 l of water, sealed, for emergency use. Every runner must keep this bottle with him during every lap. It is forbidden to open/empty the bottle to unburden the weight that the runner have to keep with himself. In case the bottle is opened, the runner will be disqualified.

i) There is not a doctor or paramedic within the Staff. In case of medical problems, we must count on Tunisian Health System (public or private) and on the private insurances that the runners may subscribe in their homeland.

l)  The Organization is NOT responsible for any athlete NOT arriving to the end of the lap, so any expense related to his research is up to him.

m) How to behave in case of emergency (illness/accident) or GPS breakdown:

Call and send sms to the Staff, sending GPS coordinates, the problem you have and your number/surname. Then DO NOT MOVE from your position!
IF THE EMERGENCY CONSISTS IN THE GPS BREAKDOWN: wait for other runners and run with them. If you are the last one, phone the Staff. They will come back to search for you. DO NOT GO ON WITHOUT A GPS: IF YOU ARE AWAY FROM THE GPS TRACK, IT WILL BE DIFFICULT TO FIND YOU!
Wait for another runner, and give him your Gps position. One he reaches one covered zone, he will contact the Staff. DO NOT MOVE from your position!
IT THE EMERGENCY CONSISTS IN THE GPS BREAKDOWN: wait for other runners and run with them. If you are the last one, wait. The Staff will come back to search for you. DO NOT GO ON WITHOUT A GPS: IF YOU ARE AWAY FROM THE GPS TRACK, IT WILL BE DIFFICULT TO FIND YOU!
Mandatory equipment:
  • GPS (Garmin or compatible) with batteries fully charged
  • IT IS POSSIBLE TO RET THE GARMIN GPS (50,00 €, 50,00 deposit)
  • 0,5 liter of emergency water.
  • Emergency whistle, compass
  • First aid kit (like for mountain use) + aluminum thermal cover
  • GSM phone (you will get a tunisian SIM) BUT THERE IS NOT COVERAGE EVERYWHERE
  • "Camel bag" with at least 2,0 liters of water (COMPULSORY refill 100% at refreshment point)
  • Head lamp
Price: € 1450,00 € / person (taxes 25% included)
Deposit to: Erste & Steiermärkishe d.d. Rijeka; Jadranski Trg 3A, 5100 Rijeka Croatia
IBAN: HR5724020061100575261, SWIFT ESBCHR22, Camelus d.o.o.
Pre-subscribe 60 days before departure, deposit 30%
Subscribe 30 days before departure, deposit 70%
  •  logistics/transfer on the 4x4 or minibus of the organization in Tunisia
  • half-board deal during the run, water for the camel-bags
  • overnight staying in tent or Hotel, as in program
  • Queucha 3" tents (one every 2 athletes)
Does not include:
  • flight or ferryboat to/from Tunis 
  • sleeping mattress and sleeping bag, special foods/ beverages
Dr. Francesco Meriani Merlo, Head of Camelus tour operator
Web: tunisialternativa.it, Phone: +385 98 9976290
Email: info@tunisialternativa.it, Skype: merianifranz


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  • : Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • : Una pagina web per parlare di podismo agonistico - di lunga durata e non - ma anche di pratica dello sport sostenibile e non competitivo
  • Contatti


  • Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.

Etnatrail 2013 - si svolgerà il 4 agosto 2013


Il perchè di questo titolo

DSC04695.jpegPerchè ho dato alla mia pagina questo titolo?

Volevo mettere assieme deio temi diversi eppure affini: prioritariamente le ultramaratone (l'interesse per le quali porta con sè ad un interesse altrettanto grande per imprese di endurance di altro tipo, riguardanti per esempio il nuoto o le camminate prolungate), in secondo luogo le maratone.

Ma poi ho pensato che non si poteva prescindere dal dare altri riferimenti come il podismo su altre distanze, il trail e l'ultratrail, ma anche a tutto ciò che fa da "alone" allo sport agonistico e che lo sostanzia: cioè, ho sentito l'esigenza di dare spazio a tutto ciò che fa parte di un approccio soft alle pratiche sportive di lunga durata, facendoci rientrare anche il camminare lento e la pratica della bici sostenibile. Secondo me, non c'è possibilità di uno sport agonistico che esprima grandi campioni, se non c'è a fare da contorno una pratica delle sue diverse forme diffusa e sostenibile. 

Nei "dintorni" della mia testata c'è dunque un po' di tutto questo: insomma, tutto il resto.


Come nasce questa pagina?

DSC04709.jpeg_R.jpegL'idea motrice di questo nuovo web site è scaturita da una pagina Facebook che ho creato, con titolo simile ("Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni"), avviata dall'ottobre 2010, con il proposito di dare spazio e visibilità  ad una serie di materiali sul podismo agonistico e non, ma anche su altri sport, che mi pervenivano dalle fonti più disparate e nello stesso tempo per avere un "contenitore" per i numerosi servizi fotografici che mi capitava di realizzare.

La pagina ha avuto un notevole successo, essendo di accesso libero per tutti: dalla data di creazione ad oggi, sono stati più di 64.000 i contatti e le visite.

L'unico limite di quella pagina era nel fatto che i suoi contenuti non vengono indicizzati su Google e in altri motori di ricerca e che, di conseguenza, non risultava agevole la ricerca degli articoli sinora pubblicati (circa 340 alla data - metà aprile 2011 circa - in cui ho dato vita a Ultrasport Maratone e dintorni).

Ho tuttavia lasciato attiva la pagina FB come contenitore dei link degli articoli pubblicati su questa pagina web e come luogo in cui continuerò ad aprire le gallerie fotografiche relative agli eventi sportivi - non solo podistici - che mi trovo a seguire.

L'idea, in ogni caso, è quella di dare massimo spazio e visibilità non solo ad eventi di sport agonistico ma anche a quelli di sport "sostenibile" e non competitivo...

Il mio curriculum: sport e non solo


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Statistiche generali del magazine dalla sua creazione, aggiornate al 14.04.2014

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Pagine viste : 607 982 (totale)
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Giornata record 14/04/2014 (3 098 Pagine viste)
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I collaboratori

Lara arrivo pisa marathon 2012  arrivo attilio siracusa 2012
            Lara La Pera    Attilio Licciardi
 Elena Cifali all'arrivo della Maratona di Ragusa 2013  Eleonora Suizzo alla Supermaratona dell'Etna 2013 (Foto di Maurizio Crispi)
            Elena Cifali   Eleonora Suizzo

